Annual Milo Rypkema Memorial Golf Tournament | July 21, 2024 | Elks Golf Course
The Western Legacy Foundation (WLF) hosted the Annual Milo Rypkema Memorial “Cowboy Classic” Golf Tournament held on Sunday, July 21, 2024 at the Elks Golf Course in Rapid City, SD. The money raised at this golf tournament is used to fund scholarships, grants to communities, organizations in need and youth activities.
2022 Results
Flight 1 Champs:
1. Al Sarver, Norm Lyon, Dave Hoffman, Megan Mahone
2. Dennis Hanson, Perry Longbrake, Clint Peitz, Heith Olson
3. Jared Reid, Peter Drikes, Alex Lasky, Nate Kelinschmit
Flight #2 Champs:
1. John Scott, Dusty Smith, Wayne Hunt. Jerod Stone
2. Colton Cullum, Jeff Cullum, Tom Keehner, Dean Paschke
3. Tyler Robertson, Tif Robertson, John Wiles, Crystal Wiles
Flight #3 Champs:
1. Darrell Anderson, Bryan Coyle, Rick Oxne, Donnie Coates
2. Denny Schmidt, Jim Fuhrmann, Brian, Blenner, Dana Gilbertson
3. Barb Taylor, Peggy Schell, Kim Silbernagel, Susan Yeoman

Flight 1 Winners

Flight 2 Winners